Wasps Wellness

The whys, whats and hows...

WHY are we doing this...

Monitoring will allow us to better support your training, performance and well-being. You are training close to the level of full time athletes, which in itself is demanding. On top of this the vast majority of you carry full time jobs/ are studying/ juggling playing at a high level with life. The data will allow us to tailor things like training load to ensure, as best we can, that you are fittest you can be both physically and mentally.

WHAT do we ask of you...

  • Morning Monitoring DAILY

  • Session Monitoring FOR ALL SESSIONS

  • Sunday Monitoring (clues in the name)

  • Injury/ Illness (if/ when)

HOW will we do this...

Well... you will fill out the forms (please and thank you)

Your data will remain confidential and only shared between coaching staff, physios and doctors, who will recieve a weekly report on the whole squads status and be made aware of any "red flags".

You can also receive a weekly personal report of key wellness statistics- please let me know if this is of interest to you.